11 February 2011

I'm Back! Classes

Hey I'm back!

I apologize (or apologise in the UK) for taking so long to update my blog, but I have been very busy since school has started.  Classes are going well, and the presentation of the material is the same as back in America.  We have big lecture halls for lectures, and smaller groups for discussion which they refer to as tutorials.  The grades, however, are a completely different story.  In the States, I am used to either multiple papers or exams, with the final exam never being worth more than 40% of the final grade.  Here, the class with the lowest weight for the final exam is 66% of the final grade, and I have another class in which the final exam is worth 100% of the final mark.  Additionally, there are no textbooks for each class, rather a large reading list for students to pick and read whichever books interest them within the subject.  It is very different to say the least.

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